Due to the weather and road conditions, Rumpke services will not be running on Monday, January 6.
Trash pickup will take place one day behind for the entire week, ending on Saturday, January 11. Similar to the Christmas Day and New Year's Day delays.
Council Message by Council Member Lee Ann Bissmeyer Spring is a time for renewal and much like the weather you will see exciting projects taking shape in the City of Montgomery. We are all watching as Montgomery Quarter continues to evolve. Construction is progressing on the Hotel Rambler boutique hotel, which includes Sidecar Bar + … Continued
As we say goodbye to Evelyn Dumont, The City of Montgomery proudly welcomes a familiar face to City Hall. Amy Smith served as a Police Clerk at the Safety Center for the last five years. She has now moved to the role of Community Development Specialist. “I decided to make the move because I wanted … Continued
After spending 34 years of dedicated service in local government, Evelyn Dumont, Community Development Customer Support and Office Manager, has retired. Evelyn began working for the City of Montgomery in August 2001 and, since that time, has served several different roles at City Hall. Before working for the City of Montgomery, Evelyn worked for Amberley … Continued
Beginning Monday, March 4, weekly yard waste collection will resume at no charge for all one and two-family residential homes. The program limits collection to three bags, cans, or bundles at each residence (or one 90-gallon yard waste toter). Additional bags, cans, or bundles require one $4.00 Rumpke waste sticker per item. Additional 90-gallon toters … Continued
When the temperature dips and snow is falling, that may have you reaching for the rock salt. Rock salt is a coarser form of table salt, used to melt ice on our roads and sidewalks. But what impact does Rock salt have on our environment? Rock salt is sodium chloride, which is a pollutant! According … Continued
Council Message by Mayor Ron Messer Leadership. What is it? Why is it important? There are many definitions, books, college courses, and seminars on this multifaceted concept. Having studied it in graduate school, the military, and my business career, I now have the privilege to be part of it first hand here in Montgomery. So … Continued
Congratulations to Montgomery Police Officer Bob Otte on his retirement. Bob has spent 27 years in law enforcement, including nearly 22 serving the City of Montgomery. During his career, Bob served as a Resource Officer at Sycamore Junior High School, a narcotics investigator with the Drug Abuse Reduction Taskforce (DART), and an Assistant Commander with … Continued
Officer Paul Payne was awarded the 2023 Hamilton County Police Association Award for Service. Since 2001, Paul Payne has served as the school resource officer for Sycamore High School and previously served as the president of the Ohio School Resource Officers Association. During a banquet in January, the HCPA Board presented Paul with the Col. … Continued
Eye-catching colorful murals now greet visitors to Montgomery Quarter. As you walk from the parking garages, you’re greeted with colorful images of butterflies and children by Bru Burger Bar. At the same time, on the other side of MQ, you’ll see City Landmarks in rich blues grace the walls of a hallway connecting the parking … Continued
The unlimited yard waste pickup resumes on January 6, when it’s collected along with holiday greenery. Christmas trees, wreaths, and swags can be placed at the curb along with yard waste. Residents are not required to have a yard waste sticker attached to them. Please place all waste at the curb on Friday evening before … Continued