City Council Meeting Procedures

Council shall hold not less than one regular meeting each calendar month. The regular meeting of the City Council is the vital part of the democratic process in the conduct of the City’s affairs. It is at council meeting that laws, policies and basic decisions are made for the government of the City of Montgomery.

All meetings of the City Council are open to the public, and citizens are encouraged to attend to learn more about their City government at these meetings and at public workshops, which are scheduled for special review. City Council meetings are held in the council chamber of the City Hall, 10101 Montgomery Road, at 6:00 pm, unless changed or canceled by motion of City Council on calendared Wednesdays as set forth in the Rules and Procedures of Council. City Council by motion may schedule a regular meeting to follow immediately the conclusion of a public hearing, which public hearings typically are scheduled in conjunction with a Work Session. Meeting calendars are available from the Clerk of Council and are listed in the Community Calendar’s monthly calendar.

The Montgomery City Council currently meets twice monthly with one meeting referred to as a “Work Session” and the other meeting referred to as the “Business Session.” The Work Session is held for the general purpose of reviewing proposed legislation for the following Business Session and discussing items of general interest to the City Council, including City Council Committee reports. The purpose of the Business Session is to take action on proposed pieces of legislation, motions, etc. that have been discussed at the Work Session meeting.

Special meetings may be called by the Mayor or by three members of City Council by notice given personally to the Mayor and each member of council or by written notice left at the residence of a member at least twenty-four hours in advance of the time of such special meeting. As well as all City Council meetings, public notice of special meetings must be made at least twenty-four hours in advance of the meeting in accordance with the requirements of the Ohio Sunshine Law.

Any person wishing to present a matter to the City Council is urged to do so in writing prior to 6:00 pm, preceding the meeting. Public statements should be limited to topics within the purview of the City Council. Requests to speak may be submitted to the Mayor, any member of the Council, the City Manager, or the City Clerk. Each person should be requested to limit remarks so that other persons will have an opportunity to speak without undue delay.

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