The City of Montgomery proudly welcomes two firefighter/paramedics to our Department. Terrence Zellars and Emilie Ziese both bring experience to the Montgomery Fire Department.
EMILIE ZIESE grew up on a farm in northwest Indiana. She likes basketball, which landed her in Cincinnati after college.
“My medical background fit well with the fire service, and I quickly fell in love with the direct impact and service I gratefully provide for the community. My favorite part is having the privilege to know the people I work with and the citizens we care for. The people I work with have become a part of my family.”
Emilie and her wife, Jenn, are the proud parents of a nine-month-old daughter, Clarke. They also share their home with their beloved lab mix, Phoebe. Emilie says her family, both immediate and extended, continues to grow.
Emilie enjoys biking, woodworking, cooking, and basketball in her spare time.
TERRENCE ZELLARS has been a firefighter for 16 years. Most of his experience comes from working in Colerain Township and Middletown fire departments.
“I became a firefighter to give back to others and have a more active career that changes daily. I enjoy being challenged. The harder the task, the better!”
Terrence and his wife celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary this month. The couple have two boys and a cat.
When not working, Terrence enjoys woodworking and golf and runs a home improvement company.
Congratulations, Emilie and Terrence. Welcome to the City of Montgomery!