Building the Plan
This planning process consists of three phases. The initial phase, called Explore, was completed and consisted of information gathering and analysis by the City’s consultant, Yard and Company. A wide range of opportunities for public engagement were provided, including a visioning survey and map activity shared out through pop-up events and popular community events. The community participation helped the project team understand the areas of Montgomery that community members love, where opportunities for future growth and development may be, and where improvements may be needed.
The Comprehensive Plan is starting its third phase, will develop focus area recommendations with supporting graphics and deliver implementation steps in a final plan.
We encourage you to stay involved throughout the process and if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Kevin Chesar, Community Development Director, at 513-792-8329 (kchesar@montgomeryohio.gov).
Test Phase Overview
The second stage of the planning process considered potential concepts for character and design options for Montgomery Road; priorities for improved walking and biking experiences; preferred housing types; and potential development and enhancements to key areas. Preferences around these ideas were collected through an in-depth public survey. Downtown business owners were also asked to participate in a survey focused on fostering a cohesive and active Downtown district.
Engagement to Date
Explore Stage
- 2 Steering Committee Meetings
- 8 Focus Group Meetings
- 8 Public Events
- 363 Public Contributions
- 82 digital survey responses
- 150 paper survey responses
- 131 map comments
Test Stage
- 1 Steering Committee Meeting
- 21 Downtown Business Owner Survey Participants
- 6 Pop-up Events
- 255 Public Contributions
- 82 digital survey responses
- 150 paper survey responses
- 131 map comments
Community Input Highlights

We're On the Right Track.
Feedback has shown support for many of the ideas and topics presented, with a desire to see additional details.

Montgomery Road serves many functions.
Respondents want to see an improved pedestrian experience and maintain sufficient traffic flow.

The ability to age in place is a top concern.
Along with housing affordability and availability.

Incremental growth is generally preferred.
Some respondents noted an interest in strategic density to support amenities.

Increasing community walkability and bikeability has strong support.
Some respondents hope to see separated facilities for walking and biking.

There is a broad desire to see Downtown be more of a place to spend time.
More events, programs, and reasons to hang out day and night.
Upcoming Events
The Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee has continued to actively meet to incorporate public comments from last winter regarding development opportunities. From a future policy perspective, the preliminary conclusions revolve around:
- Enhancing Montgomery Road’s Corridor Character
- Support Strategic Growth in Key Places
- Expand Housing Options
- Increase Safe Walkable/Bikeable Travel
- Foster a One Montgomery Downtown.
Staff will once again be out in the community to discuss the latest findings regarding this final phase of the Comprehensive Plan. Keep an eye out for opportunities to learn more about the Comprehensive Plan at these community events!
- April 6, 2024 – Mental Health Fair - Twin Lakes Davies Center: 9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
- April 8, 2024 – Total Eclipse of the Park Event at Weller Park: 1:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
- April 12, 2024 – Swaim Park: 10 a.m.- 12 p.m.
- April 19, 2024 – MQ Park: 9 a.m.-11 a.m. CANCELED DUE TO WEATHER
- April 26, 2024 – City Building: 2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Explore Phase Overview
We Heard from You this Summer!
Help Build A Brighter Future!
A comprehensive community plan uses a long-range vision to guide city leaders’ decision-making regarding future growth and development. It contains goals and objectives and directs how the community moves toward a unified development vision. Our last comprehensive plan was completed in 2007. Since then, more people have sought access to our historic charm, proximity to nearby job centers, top-tier schools, and Montgomery's small-town quality of life. This renewed interest in Montgomery has brought forth unique challenges that can be addressed during a comprehensive plan process. This plan will foster a community-wide discussion on ways to support strategic growth and quality of life improvements that complement the City’s historic and family-oriented identity. In addition to establishing the best approaches to land use, sustainability, mobility, open space, and community vibrancy, it is important that this planning process must provide community members with diverse opportunities to engage so that it's recommendations will be rooted in the lived experiences of long-standing, recent and future Montgomery stakeholders.