The month of May is designated as National Historic Preservation month. The National Trust for Historic Preservation established this event in 1973 and it is celebrated every year by cities, historical societies, preservation groups and various civic organizations throughout the country. Founded in 1795 by settlers from Montgomery, New York, the city has a rich history that has been preserved to create a strong sense of place. The downtown historic district is appreciated throughout the region and its unique character draws visitors to the restaurants, shops and services.
To preserve the city’s cultural heritage, the Montgomery Landmarks Commission was established in 1976 by a group of citizens. The Commission has identified 32 Landmarks to commemorate the city’s historical beginnings. In addition, six of these buildings are also listed on the National Register of Historic Places. These Landmarks will be preserved for future generations as a tribute to Montgomery’s past. The Commission also works to ensure new construction and development is architecturally cohesive with the historic district.
If you are interested in learning more about the City’s Landmarks, join Assistant City Manager Tracy Henao for a historic walking tour on Friday, May 3rd, at 1 p.m. at Universalist Church. Can’t join us but would still like to learn more? More information can be found on the City’s website at montgomeryohio.gov. A history book can also be viewed online or purchased at City Hall for only $5.