Montgomery Mayors
Former Mayors
Former Mayors’ Roundtable Video Project
Several years ago, City staff members embarked on a project to document Montgomery’s history since the completion of the book History of Montgomery 1795-1995. This book was created, funded and published by the Montgomery Historic Society and the Montgomery Bicentennial Commission as a part of the 1995 Bicentennial celebration.
As a part of this history project, former Montgomery mayors gathered for a recorded roundtable discussion to capture their unique perspectives. The roundtable discussion, moderated by Director of Citizen Engagement Ray Kingsbury, captured their memories serving as mayor, the challenges they faced as well as significant accomplishments during their tenure.
Thanks to Janet Korach and the Montgomery Historical Preservation Association for their assistance with this project by providing some of the photographs used in the videos. A special thank you is also extended to the former mayors who gladly participated in the project.