With Spring in full bloom, a lot of attention has been paid to “Invasive Plant Species,” which are non-native plants that can spread unchecked because they lack local natural deterrents to keep them in balance with other native species. Most non-native plants have been introduced for erosion control, landscaping, culinary and medicinal use, wildlife foods, and by accident.
Some common invasive species in Montgomery include Honeysuckle, Callery Pear, Garlic Mustard, Lesser Celandine (looks like Dandelion), and Poison Hemlock (harmful to humans and looks like Queen Ann’s Lace).
Quoting from the Ohio River Foundation’s (ORF) “Invasive plants compete with and often crowd out native ones, leading to decreased biodiversity, poorer habitats for wildlife and lower water quality, among other issues. According to the U.S. Forest Service, “invasive species have contributed to the decline of 42% of U.S. endangered and threatened species.” The ORF website shows pictures and provides detailed methods for controlling invasive species on your property.
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources also features pictures and descriptions of the habitats of these plants along with other useful information.
Should you find these plants on your property and they are getting out of control, deteriorating with age, and/or you want them removed for environmental reasons, consider removing and replacing them with hardy native plants. Local nurseries, landscapers, and the internet are all good resources for replacing invasive plants.
Contributed by Greg Brodrick, Environmental Advisory Commission member