Police Frequently Asked Questions

We have an online form you can complete on our Home Vacation Check page.


You can register your alarm online on our alarm registration page.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Contact the Hamilton County Board of Health at (513) 946-7800 and the Montgomery Police at (513) 985-1600.


Drivers and/or owners of vehicles that are illegally parked, left unattended, or abandoned on a public roadway, or left in such a manner that poses a traffic hazard, are liable for citation, towing, and impound fees.  If you have questions about a particular vehicle, call the police department at 985-1600.

A permit is required to conduct door-to-door solicitations in the City of Montgomery. To inquire how to obtain a permit or to check to see if a solicitor has obtained a permit, call the Montgomery Police Department at 513-985-1600. “No Solicitors” signs are available upon request at the Montgomery Police Department.

Traffic tickets may be paid online at https://www.ohioticketpayments.com/montgomery/DocketSearch.php or at the Montgomery Police Department, 10150 Montgomery Road.  Additional questions, call 513-985-1600.

Non-emergency crimes may be reported to the Montgomery Police Department by requesting an officer to respond to your Montgomery residence. For non-emergency calls, please call Montgomery Police Department at 513-985-1600 during regular business hours. All emergencies should call 911.

Montgomery residents can discard prescription drugs at the Montgomery Safety Center, located at 10150 Montgomery Road.

Liquids and syringes are NOT accepted.

Montgomery’s Police Department offers a service that could prove to be a lifesaver when a resident loses a pet or finds one.  Simply call the Police Department at 513-985-1600 to add the pet to a log of lost and found animals.

  • When calling, please provide a detailed description of the pet, including size, color, breed, sex, description of collar, and where the pet was lost or found. Since there are not adequate facilities to house a found animal for a long time period, a resident finding a pet can provide a valuable service by fostering the pet until the owner can be located.
  • Pets brought to the Safety Center can only be held for a short time after which the Hamilton County SPCA 513-541-6100 is notified for pickup.
  • To aid in reunification, pet owners are urged to keep a collar with personalized owner information.

Information regarding registered sex offenders living in Hamilton County can be found be on the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Department website.

“If my child has a party at my home and alcohol is served, can I get in trouble?”

Yes. It is unlawful for anyone under the age of 21 years to possess alcoholic beverages in the State of Ohio. This law applies on private property unless the beverage is provided to the under age person by their parent or legal guardian. If your child serves, or allows alcoholic beverages to be served to anyone under age 21 they are opening a “Pandora’s box’ of trouble for which you, as the home owner, will be held responsible. The homeowner can be held criminally and civilly responsible whether they are home or not at the time of the offense.

No person shall generate or permit to be generated unreasonable noise or loud sounds that are likely to cause inconvenience or annoyance to persons of ordinary sensibilities by reason of a sound amplifying device, or by the operation of any tools, machinery or equipment. For more information or to report a violation, call the Montgomery Police Department at 513-985-1600.

For information on the heroin and opiate epidemic that is threatening the well-being and safety of the greater Cincinnati region and southwest Ohio, the Hamilton County Heroin Coalition has established a website to provide resources to families and the community on treatment, education, prevention, law enforcement and assistance. Learn more.

The City of Montgomery has a curfew that is described in ordinance 132.15.

  • No minor shall be upon or in the public streets, parks, buildings or establishments, or upon or in public places, open lands, or vacant lots, within the City of Montgomery between the hours of 12:01 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. of the same day unless accompanied by a parent, guardian or other adult person having the care and custody of the minor or when the minor is on an emergency errand or engaged in lawful activity.
  • No parent, guardian or other adult person having the care and custody of a minor shall knowingly permit such minor to be upon or in the public streets, parks, buildings or establishments or upon or in public places, open lands or vacant lots within the city of Montgomery between the hours of 12:01 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. of the same day.
  • Violations of this Ordinance shall be punished as a minor misdemeanor.
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