Public Works 2020 Annual Report
Public Works
In 2020, the public works staff coordinated the completion of significant infrastructure repairs and rehabilitation of approximately 2.19 centerline miles of roadway resurfacing all or portions of 7 streets:
- Trailwind Drive (South terminus to #7597 Trailwind Dr. and #7615 Trailwind Dr. to Southwind Dr.),
- Fourwinds Drive,
- Gentlewind Drive,
- Knollwind Drive,
- Weller Road (Bridgewater Ln to #8699 Weller Rd.),
- Weil Road,
- Trail Lane,
In 2020, the Public works staff also coordinated the replacement of 20 of the 704 total fire hydrants within the City. This work was done in conjunction with the Street Resurfacing Program and was the seventh year of a multi-year comprehensive plan to address the aging fire hydrants in the community. To date, the department has replaced 155 fire hydrants with new hydrants.
Public works staff completed the annual Street Crack Seal program. Crack seal is the best performing, yet least expensive, maintenance activity for extending the life of asphalt pavement. Approximately 7 centerline miles of roadway were treated in 2020, including all or portions of 42 streets.
Another yearly program completed in 2020 is the Corrugated Metal Pipe lining program. This new program began in 2019 to address the City’s aged metal storm sewer pipe infrastructure. Lining the corrugated metal pipes extend their life, add structural integrity, and is more cost effective than performing a complete pipe replacement. In 2019, 170-feet of 66-inch diameter corrugated metal pipe was lined at 9546 Montgomery Road. In 2020, dual elliptical 90” x 60” corrugated metal pipes were lined, totaling 120-ft in length.
During 2020, public works staff also completed several additional capital improvement projects, including the Montgomery Road “Phase 2” Sidewalk Project, which included the installation of a sidewalk on the east side of Montgomery Road from Radabaugh Drive to and including the City Safety Center. The project was 80% funded by a federal grant received through OKI.

New flashing pedestrian crosswalk LED sign systems were installed in the Heritage District on Montgomery Road and Main Street by the Montgomery Inn. The new systems replaced the aged systems that were having dependability issues. The signs are also now double-sided so that two signs face each direction, increasing visibility. Pedestrians wanting to cross either street activate the signs via a push-button. This new system dramatically increases the signs' visibility to drivers and improves the safety for crossing pedestrians.
Another project completed was the Annex storm drainage and parking lot improvements. A new 18-inch diameter storm sewer and several inlets were installed in the parking lot to address the long-standing drainage issues. After the storm installation, the parking lot was repaired and resurfaced with a new asphalt surface course.
Lastly, the construction of the much-anticipated Montgomery Road at Cross County Highway Roundabout project began in 2020. By December 2020, the contractor had completed Phase 2 of the project, which is roughly $3.2 million of the $7.4 million total construction cost (equating to 43%).
Recreation adapted to the changes in 2020 and excelled thanks to the tremendous support of Council and Staff.
As one of few locations in the area to host group fitness classes, 570 participated in classes at the Recreation Annex. Classes helped keep our community healthy during a challenging time.
Also, as one of the few locations in the area to host summer camps, 10 camps were held with 71 participants. In addition, two School’s Out Day programs were hosted. The School’s Out Day Ninja Warrior Camp was held on Presidents Day with 30 ninja warriors attending and the annual School’s Out Day Paintball trip in October was held with 31 participants attending.

2020 Recreation Activities
- Independence Day Coloring Contest, 33 Entries
- Chalk Your Walk, July, 67 Entries
- Recreation To Go Program, Summer, 116 Kits sold, packed, and distributed.
- Summer and Fall Golf classes offered partnering with Great Parks of Hamilton County
- Fitness in the Park, 43 participants in September and October
- Halloween Coloring Contest, 75 entries received
- The Great Montgomery Pumpkin Contest, 20 pumpkins received
- Kids Tree and Nature Walk Program, 7 kids
- Recreation To Go Program, Fall, 43 kits sold
- Winter Coloring Contest, 181 entries received
Only 30% of municipal pools opened in Ohio in 2020 due to the pandemic, and we are proud to say that we were one of them. In 2020 pool memberships were not offered. To attend the pool, residents paid a daily fee online and reserved their time at the pool. Nonresidents were not permitted. 10,500 daily visits were recorded in 2020. Group and Private swim lessons were not held in 2020 due to distancing and space. The Makos Swim team ran a modified program with swimmers practicing half the time as they usually do and participating in an intrasquad meet at the end of the season. The Junior Swim Team and the Mini Makos programs were not offered due to social distancing requirements and pool space.
In 2020, the City received the Tree City USA Award (24 years) and a Tree City USA Growth Award (21 years) for its ongoing commitment and action focused on environmental stewardship through, care of public trees in the City’s urban forest. These awards continue the recognition received during 2009 when the Arbor Day Foundation recognized Montgomery as a “Sterling” Tree City USA, which at the time recognized Montgomery as just the sixth community in Ohio to earn this prestigious honor.
Special events were completely different in 2020 due to the pandemic. Special events to engage our residents during the pandemic included:
- Drive-In Movie with 73 cars with approximately 292 people attending
- Virtual BAMSO concert with 382 views
- July 4 Reverse Parade with 1,000 cars, 55 parade units and local, national, and international news coverage. Mayor Dobrozsi appeared on a national news network the day following the Reverse Parade to report on the wildly successful event.
- A week of activities celebrating Bastille Day, including two recorded cooking demos with 103 views, Chalk your Walk contest, virtual concert with French artist, virtual beginner French class with Alliance Francaise and an Eiffel Tower Contest
- Two Movies in the Park with 131 attending in August and 109 in October
- Dog swim on Labor Day with 185 people and 134 dogs in attendance
- Outdoor Concert in September with 244 in attendance
- A popular Halloween Drive Through Event in October with 738 cars
- Annual Tree Lighting was held virtually, 1,400+ viewed the recording
The Arts and Amenities budget supports the work of the Arts Commission and the Sister City Commission. The Arts Commission hosted Shakespeare in the Park, one of the few live theater performances in the area with 270 people attending. Two virtual Live at the Uni concerts were held via Zoom with Broadway stars featured. More than 100 tuned in to each virtual concert.