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Reflections, Hope, Promise – And Planning!

Posted on November 30, 2020

Gerri Harbison
Gerri Harbison
20th Mayor, 2005-2011

December Council Message by Gerri Harbison

As we enter into this holiday season of family and friends, it is a good time to personally reflect on our lives’ events over the past year and look forward to the hope and promise of the New Year. I want to use this opportunity to touch briefly on some reflections of 2020 and upcoming projects for 2021 within our City.

If you listen to all the media reports, there is gloom and doom all around, and, of course, we know many lives have been touched by illness, confinement, and financial uncertainty, even here in Montgomery. We encourage you to remain strong and persevere, knowing your Montgomery community is here for you.

The City took measures this year to safely offer recreational opportunities and events to our community. Through prudent fiscal policies put in place a number of years ago, the City remains in a great financial position to continue to weather the storm. While we continually look for ways to cut costs, we do not cut corners. We are thankful that even in this economy, we can continue to provide excellent yet cost-effective service. Montgomery remains strong and resilient and as committed as ever to serving our community at all levels!

One of the biggest victims of these uncertain times is the small business owner who struggles to keep their doors open with much competition from their much bigger counterparts. And we on Council have heard concerns from some of you regarding vacancies around the Montgomery business community. Now is a great time to focus your attention on the many great shops, businesses, and restaurants within our boundaries. While being fiscally responsible to your own household, spend your shopping and dining dollars here to help our small business owners keep their doors open. Look around and see the many great opportunities here first before heading over to Kenwood or Deerfield Township. Help do your part to keep these great Montgomery businesses as they continue to make us such a vibrant community.

As we move ahead in 2021, we will continue to focus on Citizen Engagement. Even though we made the tough decision to cancel the Montgomery Citizen’s Leadership Academy (MCLA) in 2021, our doors are open, and we value your input. Plan to sign up and attend a new and improved 2022 version of MCLA.

I am writing this column in late October, and Election 2020 has not yet taken place. The year has been a time of social unrest and “mine versus your candidate.” However, as things shake out, know that our Diversity and Inclusion Committee will continue to work towards healing, acceptance, and understanding for all. We would love for you to get involved and plan on attending a Diversity and Inclusion Committee meeting or one of the “Get to Know Your Neighbor” evenings.

Council wishes all of you a happy and healthy holiday season. We are fortunate indeed to live in such a great community, and we need to work together to maintain it as the special “home” that it is to us all.  For, after all, that is truly the spirit of what Montgomery is all about! I would like to close with the following:

“Don’t Give Up on This Year, Keep Fighting for the Good

Keep Showing Up, Keep Loving and Keep Giving Back

Keep Being Kind, Keep Being Brave, Keep Caring

Keep Trying New Things, Keep Showing Grace

Keep On – The World Needs You to Believe in the Good!”

Author Unknown

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