Due to the weather and road conditions, Rumpke services will not be running on Monday, January 6.

Trash pickup will take place one day behind for the entire week, ending on Saturday, January 11. Similar to the Christmas Day and New Year's Day delays.

Roundabout Construction at Pfeiffer and Deerfield Intersection

Posted on October 17, 2022

Pfeiffer Deerfiled Roundabout Construction Oct 2022

Work is well underway to construct the roundabout at the Pfeiffer Road and Deerfield Road intersection. So far this year, Duke Energy and Altafiber relocated overhead utilities. Duke Energy also installed a new gas main. While Barrett Paving installed a new Greater Cincinnati Water Works water main.

The remaining work this year by Barrett Paving includes installing storm drainage infrastructure and temporary pavement. Temporary pavement will be installed along the south side of Pfeiffer Road and on the west side of Deerfield Road, allowing both roads to have three lanes instead of two. The temporary lanes allow traffic to get through and work to get done simultaneously.

While Phase One is expected to be completed by the end of the year, Phase Two begins in the spring. The roundabout is expected to be completed in August.

As with most road construction projects, weather can play a factor in completing this project.

For more information on this project, please contact Gary Heitkamp, Public Works Director, at 513-792-8321.

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