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  Slow Down: Back To School Means Sharing The Road The end of summer vacation comes too quickly for most of us. With vacations wrapping up and an influx of traffic, August brings a change in driving patterns and a return to school zone rules of the road. 6 Tips to Stay Safe on the...

Date and time: 2023-08-14 04:30 pmLocation: Montgomery Fire DepartmentDepartment: Boards and Commissions

City Staff and Parks and Recreation Commission members hosted a Swaim Park Playground Open House on March 24, 2022 at Swaim Lodge in Swaim Park to gather public input on the concept designs of the playground. Concept designs were shown on giant posters, and staff gathered public feedback. Staff also received and reviewed emails from...

The fire department staffs the fire station with dedicated and professional personnel 24-hours per day. Fire department staffing levels twenty-three full-time firefighter/paramedics one customer service representative four part-time firefighter/paramedics Equipment two medic ambulances one rescue pumper one fire engine one quint fire truck one support/hydrant maintenance vehicle. Emergency medical service incidents continued to be one...

The police department is responsible for providing safety services to the community, including crime prevention and education. Police Department staffing two full-time customer service representatives, and one full-time mayor’s court clerk. 22 full-time officers, the police chief one assistant chief (captain), five sergeants, two detectives, one full-time Sycamore High School resource officer (SRO), one part-time...

Public Works In 2022, the public works staff coordinated the completion of major infrastructure repairs and rehabilitation of approximately 2.83 centerline miles of roadway resurfacing all or portions of 7 streets: Shadowhill Way (Creeknoll Ct to Windhaven Ct) Deershadow Lane (Deerfield Rd to east terminus) Laurelview Drive Cedarview Drive Weller Road (#8699 Weller Rd to...

The finance department is responsible for preparing and maintaining the operating and capital budgets, cash management and investments, purchasing, payroll, and income tax collections.  The finance department consists of income tax collections, payroll and accounting. In 2022, Montgomery's All Funds Budget was $32.3 million.  This includes the capital projects budget of $11.7 million. Revenue and...

The community and information services department is responsible for the planning and implementing community engagement efforts, volunteer coordination, information technology, and front-desk customer service. The department also serves as the focal point for all City communications. The community and information services director oversees the communications and engagement coordinator and the customer service and volunteer specialist....

The City of Montgomery operates under a council-manager form of government with seven elected City Council members working with a city manager, clerk of council, and law director, all appointed by City Council.  All City Council members are elected at large by a popular vote of residents for staggered terms of four years.  Once seated,...

Mission, Vision and Values Mission Working together to strengthen our premier community. Vision Montgomery excels at being a welcoming, healthy and inclusive community while honoring and building upon its past, focusing on a bright future, and leading with its values. We value… Our citizens and partners who share their energy, talents, and passion in making...

While the City is partnering with the Regional Income Tax Agency (RITA) to administer your municipal income tax for the City of Montgomery, we will still provide the same excellent service in the tax office. This collaborative partnership with RITA allows the online filing and payment processing many of you have requested. We expect to...

Council Message by Vice Mayor Lee Ann Bissmeyer I just added one of my favorite city events to my calendar. No, it is not Bastille Day or the Holiday in the Village event; it is the annual 4-hour budget review meeting! I know many of you will think I am weird, but I really love...

A comprehensive community plan uses a long-range vision to guide city leaders’ decision-making regarding future development. It contains goals and objectives and directs how the community moves toward a unified development vision. Our last comprehensive plan was updated in 2007, and a new update of priorities that reflect the ideals of citizens and city officials...

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