Spring is just around the Corner – Here are some tips on fertilizing

Posted on March 1, 2023

Spring Tulip Garden

As winter fades and spring is in the air, our thoughts turn to the great outdoors, our lawns, and gardens! Along with green grass and blooming gardens come some reminders and tips about fertilization.

  • Apply the recommended amount – more is not better.
  • Don’t overwater your lawn after fertilizing.
  • Avoid applying close to ponds or streams.
  • Sweep excess fertilizer from sidewalks, driveways, and streets and use it on your lawn.
  • Plant native plants, shrubs, and trees that reduce the amount of fertilizer needed.

Fertilizer runoff is a serious environmental concern that negatively impacts our wildlife and water supplies.

Please use fertilizer responsibly.

Article by Elaine Cohen, EAC member


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