With the first day of school quickly approaching, we need to begin thinking about the safety of our children as they venture back to school. According to the American School Bus Council, students are 70 times more likely to get to school safely if they take the school bus instead of traveling by car. That’s because of the school bus design, safety features, and laws protecting children from other drivers. Our children’s most significant risk is not while riding the bus but walking to or from one. The laws clearly establish driver responsibilities and stiff penalties for violations of the laws.
Ohio Revised Code section 4511.75 states that a driver in either direction must stop at least 10 feet from the front or rear of a stopped school bus that is discharging or receiving passengers, with or without flashing lights or an extended stop sign.
ALL drivers must stop when the roadway has three or fewer traffic lanes. These lanes do not include a dual-turn lane like we have in the Montgomery Business District. When a roadway has four or more traffic lanes, only vehicles approaching the rear of the bus are required to stop. Drivers who violate the law and put our children at risk could be issued a summons to appear in court. Drivers could be fined up to $500 with the potential for a one-year driver’s license suspension.
Please help us keep our children safe by reviewing the laws with every driver in your household.