Beginning Monday, March 3, weekly yard waste collection will resume at no charge for all one and two-family residential homes.
The program limits collection to three bags, cans, or bundles at each residence (or one 90-gallon yard waste toter). Additional bags, cans, or bundles require one $4.00 Rumpke waste sticker per item. Additional 90-gallon toters will require three stickers each after the first toter. Stickers are available at Montgomery City Hall during regular business hours.
- Loosely place yard waste in trash cans or in paper yard waste bags, which are commonly available at grocery or hardware stores. Do not place bags in the curb lane on the street. If the material is being placed in a garbage can or toter, please label it as “yard waste,” so it is not inadvertently collected as trash. Do not dispose of plants in plastic planter tubs; separate plants for yard waste and plastic for recycling.
- Place yard waste on the opposite side of the driveway from regular trash. Leave the lids off cans containing yard waste. Freezing conditions seal the lids, which does not allow for easy removal of yard waste. No plastic bags will be accepted.
- Place your cans, bags or bundles at the curb no earlier than 5:00 p.m. the night before your pickup and remove your containers by 9:00 p.m. the day of your pickup.
- Brush should be bundled in sizes up to 4 feet in length and 2 feet in diameter. The material should be fastened with cotton twine (No wire or plastic ties, please).
- Limbs must be cut into 4-foot lengths and no larger than 6 inches in diameter